Qualcuno l'ha pagata.
(Someone paid for it.)
This poster is part of a social advertising campaign, it aims to sensibilize people about exploitation of labor, especially about horrible conditions of workers employed in harvest of fruit, cocoa or cotton.
The picture in the poster is a clear metaphor. One apple stands on a plate in the top, it looks lighted, clean, red coloured, perfect. it just means what people sees, fruit they easily buy at the supermarket.
The plate stands on a stack of broken and bloody shovels, rakes and hoes, hidden in the dark. they means what people doesn't see, all the workers eploited to produce that one apple.
The plate stands on a stack of broken and bloody shovels, rakes and hoes, hidden in the dark. they means what people doesn't see, all the workers eploited to produce that one apple.
It's the meaning of the headline "qualcuno l'ha pagata" (Someone paid for it)